Complexity Medicine Society

Complexity and Measuring Thought

A few days ago I asked four friends to participate in an interesting experiment. I asked them to use a computer drawing tool to quickly scribble an image that would reflect their current state of mind. Each person had only five seconds to produce their own image. The tool used for the purpose was Paint and the goal of the experiment was to use complexity to “measure” the state of mind of each person. Each image had to occupy a square of a given size.

The images have been processed using OntoNet, the QCM tool by Ontonix. The four images are shown below, with the corresponding complexities and Complexity Maps.

Person 1. Complexity = 114.7

Person 2. Complexity = 56.1

Person 3. Complexity = 163.4

Person 4. Complexity = 90.3

Person 3 produced the most complex image, three times as complex as that of person 2.

A similar experiment can be performed by one person during four different moments in time.

The goal of this very simple experiment is to show how thoughts can be mapped onto an image and, ultimately measured using complexity as its proxy.

It would be interesting to repeat the experiment with many more individuals and find out what is the most complex image that can be produced using this approach.

Established originally in 2005 in the USA, Ontonix is a technology company headquartered in Como, Italy. The unusual technology and solutions developed by Ontonix focus on countering what most threatens safety, advanced products, critical infrastructures, or IT network security - the rapid growth of complexity. In 2007 the company received recognition by being selected as Gartner's Cool Vendor. What makes Ontonix different from all those companies and research centers who claim to manage complexity is that we have a complexity metric. This means that we MEASURE complexity. We detect anomalies in complex defense systems without using Machine Learning for one very good reason: our clients don’t have the luxury of multiple examples of failures necessary to teach software to recognize them. We identify anomalies without having seen them before. Sometimes, you must get it right the first and only time!

8 comments on “Complexity and Measuring Thought

  1. “Strumento” il cui Preziosismo per comprendere la complessità con la quale affrontiamo gli istanti del nostro Esistere, relativamente agli input esterni che in quell’istante generano condizioni nonché effetti percepiti e non, e che certamente possono, meglio, modificano le reazioni che producono senza fine causa:effetto… è infinito!

    Il mio descritto certamente qualificabile quale non pensiero scorrevole, mi auspico possa consentirmi sia fatto lo stesso esperimento su di me.

    La complessità spesso immotivata con la quale percepiamo, riceviamo, forniamo indicazioni, genera a catena: incomprensioni.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Carla, grazie del commento! Presto creeremo un sistema che permetterà a chiunque di “misurare” il proprio stato d’animo.


  2. How about analyzing and comparing the masterpieces of some great artists!


  3. Ajay, the blog you mention has been posted.


  4. Barbara Brown

    Have you tried doing this with brainscans say as a response to the same question, a specific exercise or to the same picture?


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